Portfolio Category: LMS


IRI provides a comprehensive learning management system for the Illinois Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP). IAFP is able to offer their members continuing medical education on topics ranging from chronic pain management to immunizing adolescents.
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IRI designed a game as an online learning tool in order to help its users understand the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. The American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) wanted a learning management system that is engaging and entertaining for its viewers.
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Inquiry Bridge

Inquiry Educational Alliances Development (IEA DEV) specializes in shifting cultures from curriculum and instruction to school climates and personal development in order to accommodate both horizontal and vertical adequacies in urban settings. IRI helps accompany the Inquiry mission and vision by providing an interactive multimedia learning management system that is accessible to teachers, students, parents,…
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The Athlete’s Ankle

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons asked IRI to create a series of online courses that could host cases, tutorials, and resources for learning surgeons. IRI developed an expansive program where professionals could immerse themselves in a educational lesson with fun and interactive quizzes full of pictures, captions, credits, videos, and much more.
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IRI created a series of online learning programs for the Radiological Society of North America. This particular sample is divided into three sections addressing risk management; including staff safety in radiology, culture, and daily management systems in an organized manner with smooth delivery.
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The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) wanted to increase the number and type of educational offerings available to members online. Ian Ryan Interactive worked with ACFAS to develop a series of audio podcasts, and two series of video-based eLearning programs. Scientific Sessions are typically dialogues between physicians, and a Surgical Procedures Series…
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Operation Bodgedab

IRI worked with The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) to create a safety game for teenage students and recent high school graduates to raise awareness of workplace hazards and encourage them to consider pursuing a career in safety management. The program is structured around an exploratory Myst-style game. ASSE developed the concept/storyline and identified…
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